
In this section, the Herrerias Association aims to exhibit photographs related to the life, facilities, jobs, events, etc.. at the Herrerías Mine.
The photos are classified into several themes to facilitate your enjoyment.
We greatly appreciate the contributions of the public and photographs of friends and reletives, highlighting "Photo Gallery" of www.lasherrerias.com and Domingo Suarez Ribes.

Salón y tienda-estanco de Luciano “el Trote”.
Porche of the current church which was built in the 1950s, with the priest\'s house to the right
Casa del jesuita, ingeniero de minas y copropietario de las minas, Jorge Doetsh Sundheim.
Interior del Salón del Filón.
Tras los niños se puede ver la última hilera de cuarteles, viniendo desde Puebla de Guzmán que estaba orientada hacia una hilera de casas de empleados.

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