1st Photo Contest - The Heritage and History of the Mines of Herrerías
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The theme for the year 2011, is the Historical Heritage of the Miners of the Mines of Herrerias, which is shown in two ways:
Model A))
Photographs that are intended to spread the knowledge generated in the century of mining activity, which went ahead regardless of the degree of conservation whether good or bad, and having a different current use from that for which it was generated or even without having a satisfactory degree of conservation when making the product which led to its construction.
Model B)
Pictures that show the different conditions (abuse, injuries, etc.) suffered by the Herrerias Miners, serving first to publicise them and second as a complaint, so that from the Association Herrerías which, with advice and help of a competent administration, can remedy the said problems.
With the idea of promoting creativity in the titles of the pictures, this prize will be awarded to the best photograph. However, should your photograph not be awarded a prize, please be assured that ALL photographs submitted will be displayed at the Herrerias Mine Event of the feast of Santa Barbara, and published on this web site.
All participating photographers will have their photographs exhibited in Herrerías Mines during the festival of Santa Barbara, 2011 and published on this web site.
Prizes for the best groups
Pedro Santana Sebastian Iglesias - QUARTZ - Calañas
A: Bore Guadiana, The Iron Giant and San Carlos Bore
B: Entrance to the Catacombs, the Sealed Gallery and the Cemetery