Alejandro Herrero Allyon, Visionary and Reformer of the Herrerias Mines, a book written by Ms M ª Dolores Lopez Lazo
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Dª Mª Dolores Lazo López
This book attempts to show the vision and passion of the architect D. Alejandro Herrero Ayllón who was the designer and was responsible for the construction of the Barriada Federico Mayo at the Herrerías Mines in the 1950s . With this construction he contributed to reform and social improvement, which made the Spanish owners of the mineral rights in Herrerías Mines take responsibility for the exploitation of the mines. D. Alejandro Herrero has been recognized as an architect way ahead of his time, in terms of his sensitivity to nature and the working man when designing. The book is prefaced by the Dean of the College of Architects of Huelva, Ms. Noemi Sanchis Morales.